Top 6 Best European Countries for Digital Nomads in 2024 (With Visa)

The work landscape did a 180 since the COVID-19 saga hit. In 2023, according to the WFH Research wizards, 12.7% of the 9-to-5 crew were working from the comfort of their homes, and a whopping 16% of companies went fully remote.

With the whole world embracing the work-from-anywhere trend, regular tourist visas are about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. Enter digital nomad visas, stealing the limelight and becoming the cool kids on the visa block.

As the remote workforce swells, countries are catching on and crafting special programs just for digital nomads. For the 50 or so nations flaunting digital nomad visas, the influx of these tech-savvy nomads means a boost in their economies – cha-ching!

Picture this: you're not tethered to any specific location, working from your favorite corner of the globe. Having a golden ticket like a residence permit for several years? Now, that's the dream for remote workers, freelancers, and small business owners.

Hold up, though. It's not technically a residence permit; it's more like an extended stay visa. The specifics vary across the map – some places offer five years of nomadic bliss, while others go for the short and sweet six months or a year, with the option to renew. Essentially, a digital nomad visa is your ticket to stay in a country for a set time, granted you can flash some proof of income. Easy peasy.

Digital Nomad Visa Benefits


First off, forget about the clock ticking on your visit. With a digital nomad visa, you're not just passing through like a tourist; you get to kick back and chill for way longer. No more side-eye from immigration officials or the usual barrage of questions when you're hanging out without the right paperwork.

Now, let's talk money. Traditional residency or citizenship programs? They usually demand a hefty chunk of change, maybe an investment that could make your wallet shed a tear. Digital nomad visas? Way kinder on your bank account. Forget about forking over a small fortune – typically, you just need to flash some proof of regular income and show that you've locked down a spot to crash in the country.

Saving the best for last – tax perks! Some countries roll out the red carpet by not asking you to cough up any taxes while you're living the digital nomad dream on their turf. It's like a little tax holiday. For a stretch of time, you can dodge tax hassles and legal entanglements, especially in areas like employment law. You're basically bringing home the bacon to their country without setting up shop there.

But, hey, every rose has its thorns. These visas might have an expiration date – usually a year or maybe two. And, here's the kicker – they might not fast-track you to permanent residency or citizenship. So, it's like a temporary fling rather than a lifelong commitment. Choose wisely!

1. Spain

For all you non-EU folks dreaming of setting up your remote office in sunny Spain! The Spanish Digital Nomad Visa is waving its arms open, welcoming you to work from paradise while staying connected to your non-Spanish job. Oh, and you can even snag up to 20% of your income from a Spanish gig – talk about a sweet deal

Whether you're a freelancer juggling different clients or a remote warrior representing a single company outside Spain, this visa is your golden ticket. Quick heads up, though – you can't already be soaking up the Spanish sun when you apply, and you should've given the country a pass for the last five years.

Got a client or a company you've been jamming with for three months? Perfect! And make sure that company has been doing its thing for at least a year. Three years of work mojo and proof you're not gonna starve in Spain – that's the game. Show them the money, literally €2,234 per month or €28k annually, with the bank statements and job contracts as your secret weapons.

Your ticket is good for 12 months, or however long your work gig lasts if it's shorter. Wanna extend the Spanish love affair? Renew that visa for up to five years! But hey, you gotta give Spain at least half your year to become the tax resident extraordinaire.

And guess what, with Spanish residency, you're not just limited to flamenco and paella – you get a golden passport to EU travel. Feeling generous? Bring the fam along by showing some extra cash. Oh, and the tax game? You're looking at a sweet deal – 24% on anything below €600,000 per year, thanks to the Beckham Law spreading its love to digital nomads. Keen to dive deeper? Check out this video spillin' all the beans on Spain’s Nomad Digital Visa.

2. Portugal

Portugal shook things up in October 2022 by unveiling its shiny new digital nomad scheme, kicking the old D7 visa to the curb – the only game in town for us remote work aficionados. Once you get the nod, you've got a sweet four months to bask in the Portuguese sun. But here's the twist – during that sweet stay, it's paperwork time. Apply for a residence permit that's your golden ticket for two years, and guess what? It's got a nifty option to renew for another three. Dreaming of making Portugal your forever home? Well, that magic happens after a cool five years of legally embracing the Portuguese way of life.

Now, let's talk cash – to join this nomadic fiesta, you gotta flaunt a minimum monthly income of €3,040. And no faking it – prove it with a year's worth of salary slips, adding up to €36,480 in 2023 lingo.

Remember the days when digital nomads were the tax wizards with the non-habitual resident (NHR) status? Yep, 0% tax on global income and a smooth 20% on the local flow. But hold on – plot twist alert! Portugal's parliament dropped the curtain on the NHR tax saga in late 2023, claiming it needed a revamp.

But fear not, tax-savvy friends, because January 1, 2024, brought NHR 2.0 into the limelight, flaunting almost the same tax perks. The catch? It's a bit more exclusive now, shining the spotlight more on the brainiacs rocking scientific research and innovation, rather than the retirees and high-value job seekers.

3. Estonia

Estonia It's a tech wonderland where you'll vibe with all things digital. Picture this – a one-year golden ticket in the form of a non-renewable digital nomad visa. Yep, you get the nod to live and work in this modern haven

To jump on the Estonia train, you can be from anywhere on the globe, as long as you fit into one of these cool categories:

1.Remote Employee: Prove your work ties with a company chilling outside Estonia.

2. Business Buff: You're a partner or shareholder in a business that's doing its thing beyond Estonia's borders.

3.Freelance Maverick: You're the king or queen of the online hustle – an independent worker or freelancer with a clientele mostly hanging out outside Estonia.

Now, here's the ticket in – flash a monthly income of €3,504 and back it up with six months' worth of bank statements. Easy peasy. Just a heads up – if you decide to soak in the Estonian vibes for more than 183 consecutive days in a 12-month stretch, get ready to play nice with the taxman. So, pack your digital bags, and let's make Estonia your nomadic home sweet home!

There is no need for nomads to pay tax in Estonia if they’re there for less than 183 consecutive days. After staying for more than 183 consecutive days, you are considered a tax resident and must pay taxes. If your home country has a tax treaty with Estonia, you can reduce your tax obligation. If you reside in Estonia for more than 183 days, you become a tax resident and will be taxed at a flat rate of 20%.

4. Greece

Fancy working with a view in Greece? The Greek digital nomad visa is your golden ticket to soak up the Mediterranean vibes for a solid two years while enjoying visa-free access to all 26 EU member states.

Here's the lowdown: To snag this nomadic dream, you gotta be pulling in at least €3,500 a month from your remote gig – whether you're an employee, freelancer, or bossing it up as a business owner with a company outside Greece. Oh, and you'll need to prove you've got a cozy spot to crash during your Greek adventure and throw your hat into the residence permit ring.

Now, here's the tax talk – if you're hanging out in Greece for less than six months, you're off the hook for local income tax. But, if the Greek sunshine has you hooked for a longer stint, get ready to dip into those local rates once you hit the €12,000 annual income mark.

5. Malta

Malta, with its enticing tax perks, an English-speaking crowd, and laws that high-five foreigners, has emerged as a prime spot for digital nomads. Picture this: speedy broadband, reasonable living expenses, but hey, keep an eye on the rent if you're eyeing the hotspots like Valletta – it's on the up and up.

Now, let's talk permits. Enter the Nomad Residence Permit – the formal star of the show. To rock this Malta adventure, you'll need a monthly income of €2,700. And here's the sweet part – enjoy a tax vacation for a year, even if you clock in more than 183 days in Malta. The catch? Just keep that tax residence flag flying high in your home country.

6. Croatia

Croatia, a forward-thinking, safe, and budget-friendly haven, is the perfect launchpad for embracing the remote work lifestyle.

Now, here's the buzz – the recently unveiled Croatia Digital Nomad Visa is the ticket to your dream setup. All you need to flash is proof of a monthly income hitting €2,700, and you're set for a year of Croatian adventures. Why is it catching everyone's eye? Well, digital nomads cruising through Croatia get a golden pass – no taxes on their remote earnings if they've got a tax residence elsewhere.

Now, let's get the paperwork sorted. You'll need to show off your digs in Croatia with a confirmed booking or a rental agreement from a local landlord.

Once you've got that shiny Croatia Digital Nomad Visa, you can kick back because you won't be shelling out income tax in Croatia on your remote paycheck. Just a little heads-up – you might still owe some taxes back in your home turf, depending on how your country plays the tax treaty game with Croatia.